Coronavirus: Nigerian professional footballer infected in Italy

A player in the Italian third division – Serie C – has tested positive for coronavirus. He is believed to be the first case of a footballer in Europe to be infected with the coronavirus. BBC in a live update identified the player as Paul Akpan Udoh, who is an Italian-Nigerian footballer. Udon is a 22-year-old player, who plays for Pianese in Serie C. He was said to be diagnosed on Thursday and has been quarantined. A statement from the Tuscany region read, “Two new suspected positive cases of Coronavirus in Tuscany. Both are awaiting confirmation by the Higher Institute of Health. “One is a 22-year-old man in the Siena province, a Pianese player, who last Saturday had symptoms in a hotel in Alessandria, where he was training with the team ahead of Sunday’s game (at Juventus U-23s). “He did not play the game that morning as he had a high fever. The team returned to Piancastagnaio, while he went home. Wednesday morning, he was tested in his home ...